Our Team

Joanne Laverick
Joanne LaverickProject Manager
 Phil Tye
Phil TyeLead Worker/Qualified Youth Worker (Volunteer)
Andy Laverick
Andy LaverickLead Worker/Qualified Youth Worker
Sophie Clinton
Sophie ClintonCommunity Helper/Youth Worker
Shelley Fowler
Shelley FowlerQualified Youth Worker
Dale Watson
Dale WatsonYouth Worker
Jevan Kirton
Jevan KirtonPeer Educator
Sue Clinton
Sue ClintonBuilding Supervisor
Natasha Lawson
Natasha LawsonPeer Educator
Josh Dunn
Josh DunnApprentice Sports Coach
Dianne Bowden
Dianne BowdenVolunteer Youth Worker
Carol Tye
Carol TyeVolunteer
Kev Cummings
Kev CummingsVolunteer Youth Worker
Dorothy Hicks
Dorothy HicksVolunteer
Joan McKitterick
Joan McKitterickVolunteer
 Olivia Shaw
Olivia Shaw
© Copyright Youth Almighty Project 2008-2025. All rights reserved, Designed and Developed by Phil Tye along with the Youth Committee of YAP
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